Getting Clear
A Tool for the Overwhelmed
Step One - Awareness
Notice -
Is it hard to be present?
Are my thoughts ruminating uncontrollably on things that aren’t here now?
Do I feel the urge to avoid how I am feeling?
Am I overreacting to the people in front of me?
Does everything feel like it’s too much?
I might be overwhelmed!
Step Two - Breathe
Stop -
Stop whatever you are doing.
Take 3 deep, slow belly breaths with a longer out breath.
Notice the sensations in your body.
Step Three - Get it Out
Write -
Take a pen and paper and write down a list of things, tasks, or problems that are on your mind and unresolved.
Step Four - Triage
Categorise -
Ask yourself, is there anything I can do about this?
No - Let it go.
Yes - Categorize -
Urgent & Important - Highlight these items, do them first.
Not Urgent but Important - Find the best time to do it in your calendar, put it in and cross it off your list.
Urgent & Un-Important - Ask someone else to do it for you, put a check-in reminder in your calendar and cross it off your list.
Not Urgent or Important - Let it go and cross it off your list.
Step Two - Breathe
Stop -
Put the pen down.
Take 3 deep, slow belly breaths with a longer out-breath.
Notice the sensations in your body.